The Museo di Roma provides access to its historical and art collection for the largest number of visitors.
Access for visitors with reduced mobility and disabilities
The Museo di Roma is completely accessible, with a stair lift (maximum weight supported by the platform is 300 kg) on the courtyard level that allows access to the lift leading to the three floors. A wheelchair is available inside the museum for visitors with walking difficulties.
Admission to the Museum for the disabled and their family members or other assistants is free of charge.
To find out about the dedicated educational events, consult the Accessible Projects [link to Accessible Projects | Museo di Roma ].
Routes for blind and visually impaired visitors
Podcast of the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali.
I'll tell you about a museum: Museo di Roma Ep. 1
I'll tell you about a museum: Museo di Roma Ep. 2
The Museo di Roma is equipped with permanent touch supports that allow blind and visually impaired visitors to get to know and, in the case of sculptures, explore by touch some of the most important artworks on display:
Room 1
Pierre Hubert Subleyras, San Camillo de Lellis salva gli ammalati dell'Ospedale Santo Spirito durante l'inondazione del 1598, 1746, painting, oil on canvas, 205x284 cm, MR 5701
Room 2
Filippo Gagliardi, Filippo Lauri, Carosello a Palazzo Barberini in onore di Cristina di Svezia, 1656, a painting with oil on canvas, 231x340 cm, MR 5698
Room 11
Giuseppe Ceracchi, Busto di Pio VI Braschi, c. 1790, marble, 91x71 cm, MR 45699
Room 12
Cristopher Hewetson, Ritratto del principe Luigi Gonzaga di Castiglione, in Arcadia Emireto Alantino, 1776, marble, 65x40 cm, Dep Arc 172
Cristopher Hewetson, Ritratto di Maria Maddalena Morelli Fernandez, in Arcadia Corilla Olimpica, 1776, marble, 65x40 cm, Dep Arc 173
Room 14
Pietro Tenerani, Ritratto di Vittoria Caldoni, 1821, marble, 47x27 cm, MR 43071
Room 15
Pietro Tenerani, Psiche svenuta, 1822, plaster, cm 113x102, MR 43327
Room 16
Roman workshop, Bassorilievo con scudo araldico della famiglia Buccabella, 14th century first half, cm 68x103x8,8, marble, MR 44455
Room 17
Ambito toscano, Madonna col Bambino e quercia araldica di Giulio II della Rovere (property table), first half 16th century, cm 56x55, marble, MR 41759
Room 18
Enrico Maccari, Facciata del Casino del Bufalo, 1885, frame incision, GS 4508 (Tactile restitution table)
In this room, containing the large frescoes by Polidoro da Caravaggio and Maturino da Firenze (1525) for the Casino Del Bufalo, demolished in 1885 for the opening of Via del Tritone, a special educational experience is available on demand, allowing different audiences (sighted and blind) a moment of sharing.
At the end, if requested, visitors can also take a touching tour of the reconstruction of the front of the Casino Del Bufalo, made by the Museo Statale Tattile Omero of Ancona. In this case, it is usually the blind person who 'guides' the sighted person, as they are more expert in the perceptive experience of touch.
Room 19
Ambito romano, Fusto di colonna con iscrizione che indica il limite di una inondazione del Tevere sotto il pontificato di Alessandro III, 1180, cm 112x20, marble, MR 41373
> View the map on the page How to visit the Museum
Accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing visitors
LIS video of the Museum of Rome in the monumental courtyard.