Giacomo Matteotti. Vita e morte di un padre della Democrazia

On the occasion of the centenary of his death, the exhibition pays tribute to the member of parliament and secretary of the United Socialist Party Giacomo Matteotti, a central figure in the history of the 20th century, tracing his life, political journey and dramatic end.
The exhibition traces the life of the socialist leader, deputy and secretary of the United Socialist Party (PSU), from his youthful beginnings to his national affirmation, from his battles for democracy to his opposition to fascism, whose totalitarian nature he was one of the first to understand, and finally to the brutal murder perpetrated by the Mussolini regime.
With the profound dignity and high sense of civic duty demonstrated at a tragic moment in our history, Matteotti became the archetype of the tenacious and incorruptible opponent of fascism. An example his, animated by a solid moral imperative and a strong civic impetus, which still questions the political and cultural life of our country.
On the strength of the authoritative nature of the institutions involved and rich in previously unpublished materials, the exhibition includes original documents - with particular reference to the investigative and judicial acts, never previously shown, which substantiate the interpretative path - including photographs, manuscripts, objects, period books, newspaper and magazine articles, films and documentaries, works of art, sculptures, ceramics, paintings, as well as musical pieces dedicated to the political leader.
The exhibition is divided into four sections, tracing Matteotti's life and the dramatic transition from the liberal state to the fascist dictatorship.
The section The Young Matteotti records his commitment in Polesine in favour of farm labourers and sharecroppers, his academic career, his advertising activity for 'La Lotta', and his membership of the Socialist Party.
The one on National Political Commitment 1919-1924, distinguishes his parliamentary activity, his political action against fascism, immediately considered a mortal danger to democratic institutions, and the squadrists, understood as the 'white guard' of agrarian interests and 'collaborationists', within the newly formed Psu of which he was secretary.
The section Kidnapping and Death 1924-1926, starting with the affirmation in the 1924 elections of the Psu as the strongest party of the left, includes the famous speech of 30 May 1924 in Parliament against the frauds and violence of the fascists, up to the kidnapping on 10 June 1924 in Rome, the assassination, the discovery of his body on 16 August and the trial-farce in Chieti.
Finally, the section The Myth of Matteotti, focuses on the politician's factual and ideal legacy, from the commemorations of the Matteotti Brigades to his enduring residence in the collective imagination because, as he himself said: 'Kill me, but you will never kill the idea in me... My idea does not die'.
The aim of the exhibition is to restore to the general public the value of one of the fathers of our democracy and to introduce the new generations to a remarkable politician and intellectual with multimedia insights, educational initiatives and immediate language.
"Giacomo Matteotti. Vita e morte di un padre della democrazia" (Life and Death of a Father of Democracy) is accompanied by the catalogue published by Treccani which, incorporating previously unpublished iconographic contributions and precious testimonies, contemplates the origins, activities and epilogue of a martyr of anti-fascism devoted to freedom.
1 March to 16 June 2024
Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00
Last admission one hour before closing
Closing days
Mondays, 1 May
Before planning the visit, CONSULT THE NOTICES
Admission ticket according to > current pricing
Reduced price ticket ONLY exhibition for MIC card holders
Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Curated by Mauro Canali with the direction and general coordination of Alessandro Nicosia
Organised and produced by C.O.R. Creare Organizzare Realizzare with the Cultural Association Costruire Cultura,
With the organisational support of Zètema Progetto Cultura
Under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture, with the presence of Banca Ifis as main partner, with the contribution of Camera di Commercio di Roma and the participation of Archivio Storico Luce, Rai Teche, Fondazione Pietro Nenni and AAMOD - Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico.
The exhibition also boasts the important loans of the Fondazione Pietro Nenni, Archivio di Stato di Roma, Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Archivio Storico della Camera dei Deputati, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Accademia dei Concordi, Archivio Marco Steiner.
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