Roma, la magnifica visione. Vedute panoramiche del XVIII e XIX secolo dalle collezioni del Museo di Roma

Una Roma molto diversa da come ci appare oggi, che si presentava agli occhi di artisti e di viaggiatori come una immensa e sorprendente sequenza di monumenti, percorsa dal Tevere e circondata dalla campagna.
This exhibition features the works of young artists from Italy and elsewhere who are taking part in the first Workshop-symposium of the Rome International Spring Academy.
The event plays host to 14 young aspiring artists from different countries abroad along with 16 known or emerging Italian and international artists, all of whom are displaying their work to mark the end of this the first edition of the above mentioned event, scheduled for the 6th to the 19th April 2009, and which involves art students in exhibitions and seminars being held in different locations throughout the city.
The works being exhibited at the Museum of Rome in Trastevere exemplify the different approaches that these young artists, from the International Summer Academy in Salzburg and the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, have used to interpret the symbols, myths and figures of the Eternal City. The exhibition features not only the work of those who participated in the Workshop, but also the guest artists invited to attend. All the works – paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs and video-installations are being especially created for the occasion and are all inspired by the countless historic-artistic reminders present in the city.
Gangemi Editore
martedì - domenica ore 9.00 - 19.00 (la biglietteria chiude alle 18.00)
Chiuso lunedì, 25 dicembre, 1 gennaio
intero 8 euro; ridotto 6,00 euro
gratuito per le categorie previste dalla tariffazione vigente
Gratuità e riduzioni
060608 tutti i giorni ore 9.00 – 21.00
Banche Tesoriere del Comune di Roma: BNL – Gruppo BNP PARIBAS, Unicredit Banca di Roma, Monte dei Paschi di Siena;
La Repubblica