Dorothy Briant's Sad but glorious days

The play, as part of the celebrations of Rome's Birthday, stages an imaginary meeting - during the brief lapse of time of the 1849 Roman Republic - between Cristina Belgioioso, Anita Garibaldi and Margaret Fuller. The story of their lives, the common commitment to the Italian cause shows a glimpse of the exciting events of the period.
On April 22 at 5.00 pm and 7.00 pm, the Associazione Culturale Ottavia presents the play Sad but glorious days, which was already performed on January 15 at the Museum of Rome - Palazzo Braschi.
This play is a spin-off from the Italian-American writer Dorothy Bryant's novel Anita, Anita. Margaret Fuller was a New England middle-class intellectual, the first USA foreign correspondent—sending war dispatches to a New York newspaper. Anita Garibaldi was the peasant-woman-warrior Garibaldi brought (with their four children) to Rome from Brazil. Cristina Belgiojoso was a Milanese artistocrat who established and ran military hospitals for the rebel government. All three were mothers of "bastard" children. Margaret and Anita had lovers active in the armed forces.
5.00 pm and 7.00 pm
Free admission, subject to availability.
Info and booking: tel. +39 060608 (daily from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm)