Common Places. German Painters in Rome in the XVIII and XIX centuries

The exhibition presents a selection of eighty artworks made between the mid-eighteenth century and the mid-nineteenth century by German artists who lived and worked in Italy, nad it is part of a series of shows that began in 2012 and in 2013 with two exhibitions dedicated to the French and British painters working in Rome.
Between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries German people fed a genuine passion for Rome and its antiquities, the light of the Mediterranean city, as well as for its countryside, its people and its ancient surrounding villages.
The exhibition "German Painters in Rome in the XVIII and XIX centuries" is the last of the series "Common Places" started in 2012 and in 2013 with two exhibitions dedicated to French and British painters. The show, hosted by the Museo di Roma - Palazzo Braschi, is promoted by the Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico – Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali and it is curated by Simonetta Tozzi. Organization and museum services are provided by Zètema Progetto Cultura. The catalogue, which also features the works exhibited in the two previous exhibitions, is printed by Campisano editore.
The exhibition presents a selection of about 80 artworks, all from the rich collection of prints and drawings of the Museum of Rome, a very large collection that is on display in rotation in order to protect them. Alternate views of the Roman Forum and the Colosseum, Villa Borghese, Castel Sant'Angelo and the Milvian Bridge, but also views of the countryside, Nemi, Tivoli and Lake Albano.
Tuesday - Sunday: from 10.00 to 20.00;
Monday: closed;
Last admission 1 hour before closing time.
Closed on 1st May.
Adults: € 11,00;
Concessions: € 9,00;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a valid ID):
- Adults: € 10,00;
- Concessions: € 8,00;
060608 tutti i giorni dalle 9.00 alle 21.00
Booking fee apply.
Atac; La Repubblica
Museum Services: Zètema Progetto Cultura
Press Room

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