"Cupid and Psyche" at the Museum of Rome

For the exhibition “La favola di Amore e Psiche” (The story of Cupid and Psyche) - hosted at Castel Sant'Angelo until June 10, 2012, and original “Map of Cupid and Psyche in Rome” has been conceived and drawn by Professor Miriam Mirolla (www.miriammirolla.it). It is available from bookshops of the Civic Museum network and displays seventeen locations where visitors can admire works of different periods, linked to the ancient myth.
Among the civic museums - with the Capitoline Museums and the MACRO - Museum of Rome was chosen for the roof of one of the exhibition halls on the first floor, where is a fresco cycle of some important episodes the tale of Apuleius, painted between 1611 and 1613 by Ludovico Cardi (Cigoli) for one of the lodges which adorned the garden of Cardinal Scipione Borghese in the Quirinal and demolished in 1875 for the opening of Via Nazionale. The murals were so detached and located first in the Pinacoteca Capitolina, and then at the Museum of Rome.